February 29, 2016

Moscow Nanny decapitates Toddler left in her care, then walks around with child's severed head [Video]

A 39 year old woman is being held in Moscow by officers after she walked through streets of Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station  shouting 'Allahu Akbar' in the northwest of the Russian capital holding the severed head of a young girl . The video footage appeared to show the woman walking in the street, looking disorientated and carrying the child's head before her arrest. Reports in Russia claim the woman shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as she was held.

 Gyulchehra Bobokulova, from Uzbekistan, is said to have been wandering the streets with the head for an hour before police arrested her. The victim was a four year old girl identified as Nastya M. It is believed that the woman had waited until the parents left with the older child, and for unknown reasons committed murder of the child, set the apartment on fire and left the scene of the crime.

In scenes captured on dramatic CCTV footage around half a dozen officers swooped outside the station and dragged her to the ground

Eye-witnesses claimed the woman was threatening to blow herself up at the scene but police said she had no explosives on her. One eye- witness said the woman screamed that her child was killed:

 "My child was killed…I will blow up everyone."
Another eye witness named Alyona Kuratova told Russia's Rain TV:
"I came out of the shopping center and they tried to not let me through. There were a bunch of people there, running, screaming 'bomb, bomb'

Police added they are currently trying to establish a motive:
Source- Mirror

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