November 16, 2015

Mother of Paris suicide bomber says her son may have blown himself up because of STRESS


Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, who blew himself up in a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today his mother (pictured circled) defended Ibrahim, suggesting his suicide jacket may have done off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.

His brother Mohamed Abdeslam, a former council worker, was arrested in Molenbeek in western Brussels, a day after the attacks in the French capital, in which at least 129 were killed and hundreds more injured. Police missed their chance to bring in the third brother, Salah, when he was questioned as he crossed the border to Belgium after the attacks. He is now the object of a massive international manhunt.

Source: DM


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