November 16, 2015

France Launches Wave of 'Massive' Bombing raids on ISIS targets,

French fighter jets have carried out a series of 'massive' air strikes on Raqqa, destroying a key ISIS command centre and training camp in Syria. The heavy bombing raid comes just two days after the group claimed coordinated attacks in Paris that killed 128 people, the defence ministry said.

 'The raid ... including 10 fighter jets, was launched simultaneously from the United Arab Emirates and Jordan. Twenty bombs were dropped,' the statement said.

The French jets took off from air bases in Jordan and the United Arab Emirates and using intelligence from U.S. forces, the jets bombed a command centre, recruitment centre for jihadists, a munitions depot and a training camp for fighters, it said.

The revenge airstrikes in Syria comes as French police broadcast the name and image of Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old born in Brussels, across Europe, warning that he is very dangerous.
  • French police are still hunting for three gunmen on the run, including Brussels-born Frenchman Salah Abdeslam, and an ISIS bombmaker likely to have made the suicide vests.
  • An international arrest warrant has been issued for Abdeslam, 26, who is accused of renting a Volkswagen Polo used by the suicide bombers. He is one of three brothers believed to be at the heart of the eight-strong ISIS cell. 
  • It emerged on Sunday night that police found Abdeslam near the Belgian border early Saturday but let him go after he showed them his ID card. Officers pulled over the car being driven by Abdelslam on Saturday morning on the A2 motorway between Paris and Brussels. Two other men were also in the Seat car. At the time, officers in Paris knew that Abdeslam had rented the car used by the killers which had been abandoned near the theatre but the information had not been transmitted to those responsible for conducting the border checks.
  • His brother Ibrahim, 31, blew himself up in a solo attack outside cafe Comptoir Voltaire after renting a black Seat found abandoned today filled with AK-47s and ammunition. A third sibling, named as Mohamed Abdeslam, has been arrested in the Belgian capital. 
  • On Sunday evening the French defence ministry announced that the country's warplanes had bombed Islamic State's stronghold in Syria's Raqa, destroying a command post and a training camp, the defence ministry said. Ten fighter jets were involved, dropping 20 bombs. 


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