November 16, 2015

British Muslims speaks out Not in my name!’, ‘Not in the name of Islam!’

Speaking out: Shop worker at Bury Park's oldest Asian shop, the Kashmir Stores, joins a Twitter campaign condemning the Paris attacks
Speaking out: Shop worker at Bury Park's oldest Asian shop, the Kashmir Stores, joins a Twitter campaign condemning the Paris attacks
The French Muslim community should have acted more assertively already. They should be marching in the streets, chanting ‘Not in my name!’, ‘Not in the name of Islam!’

There is nothing in Islam that can justify the taking of an innocent life, nothing that can condone what murderous Islamic State fanatics have done in its name. This gang of criminals has brought our faith into grave disrepute and besmirched its honour.
Muslim leaders must act before it is too late.
We must demonstrate that this horrendous slaughter in Paris was not sanctioned by us or perpetrated with our blessings. And we must prove to young impressionable Muslims that we do not condone this carnage.


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