February 5, 2015

Zimbabwe's 90-year-old Mugabe Falls Down Steps from Podium

Zimbabwe's 90-year-old President Robert Mugabe fell down steps from a podium on Wednesday as he walked off a podium after addressing supporters at Harare international airport, an AFP correspondent said.

Mugabe appeared to miss a step and toppled when he left the raised lectern at the airport Wednesday afternoon, according to several witnesses, who insisted on anonymity because of security concerns.
His aides quickly helped him up and escorted him to his limousine which sped away, they said.

Mugabe took over the post of African Union chairman on Friday, replacing Mauritania's President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz.

In his speech, Mugabe said he felt honoured that Zimbabwe was elected chair of the AU, pledging to use his position to push for development in the continent.

Photo Credit:AP

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