January 20, 2015

Would you have believed American Snipper gross $90.2M Used Robot Doll Baby in Movie: Criticized

While American Sniper  may have made $90.2 million in box office and on top of Academy Award nominations by storm, one criticism of the Clint Eastwood film cannot be ignored, the use of Robot doll in Movie.
Instead of real babies, the movie substituted dolls in at least two scenes.Actors Bradley Cooper and Sienna Miller tried hard to make the toys look like Chris and Taya Kyle's real children, but many critics have pointed out the fake.

Critics say once discovered it was distracting and movie became hard to watch  and another critics says its awkward: According to HitFix, Cooper's Chris Kyle looked like 'he's just plain never held a baby'
However, the actor explained the rigor to used real baby. In California (where American Sniper filmed), a work permit, a doctor's note, a nurse, a parent, and a studio teacher must all be on set if a baby is working. Additionally, infants can only work up to 20 minutes per day.


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