January 2, 2015

2014 Top Givers are 95-year-old billionaire and 39-year-old Go Pro founder -CNN

I would have thought, its same old gist as Bill gate but reading this article, obviously their many more billionaires sacrificial givers.

The top donation to charity in 2014 is Ralph Wilson, Jr., the billionaire owner of the Buffalo Bills football team, gave the largest individual donation of the year, according to a ranking from the
Chronicle of Philanthropy.

Although Mr. Wilson,  manufacturing magnate, passed away at the age of 95 in March 2014 and left $1 billion to his family foundation, which works to help homeless and poor families in Buffalo and Detroit.

While 2014 second largest charity giver came from Ted Stanley, an 83-year old Connecticut billionaire, who pledged $650 million to support research in mental health. Stanley, who made his fortune selling sports memorabilia and other collectables, has a personal connection to the cause.

Third came from a 39-year old surfer dude billionaire. Nicholas Woodman, founder of the body-mounted camera company GoPro, gave $500 million to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

The fourth largest donation of the year went to Harvard University.The Morningside Foundation, run by the family of Hong Kong real estate tycoon T.H. Chan, pledged $350 million to the Ivy League university's School of Public Health. It was the largest gift in Harvard's history.

Another tech billionaire, Google cofounder Larry Page, 41, made the fifth largest donation of the year. Page gave $177 million in stock to a charity he set up in the name of his father.

"Young tech wealth is continuing to give," said Stacy Palmer, editor of The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Although 2013 top donation of $990 million came from Zuckerberg, the 30-year old founder of Facebook.

Credit: money.cnn.com

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