January 27, 2015

State of Emergency is declared in Five States of the US due to blizzard

A state of emergency has been called across five states in the Northeast as 60 million braced for the impact of the 'crippling and potentially historic' storm Juno. New York, New Jersey. Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island all put emergency procedures into place on Monday afternoon as the snowstorm threatened to dump three feet of snow across the region and beyond over Monday night and into Tuesday.

Accompanied by hurricane-strength winds, residents have been warned the conditions could quickly become life-threatening and have warned people to stay inside and to be braced for power blackouts and water shortages. Roads will be shut off before midnight across the five states while more than 6,000 flights have been cancelled.

 Tourists spent the day stranded in major airports across the region, left, as stores quickly sold out of essential goods in a frenzy of panic buying and people struggled to make their way home on disrupted public transport routes attempting to escape the brunt of the blizzard.
Photo credit: Reuters/ splash news/daily mail

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