January 2, 2015

Nigeria is the 3rd Happiest Country in the World - Gallup Survey Reveals

WIN/Gallup International, the world’s leading association in market research and polling, has published its 38th End of Year Survey exploring the outlook, expectations, views and beliefs of 64,000 people from 65 countries across the globe on 30th of December.
According to survey from The WIN/Gallup End of Year Survey showed that less-developed nations are much happier than developed ones. In the UK just 49 per cent of people are happy. With Fiji is the happiest country in the world, according to a survey of 64,000 people across 65 countries. Followed by Nigeria with 89% ranking.

Survey Outcome
  • 70% of people worldwide say they are happy with their life up from 60% last year, although just 42% believe that next year will be one of economic prosperity for their country;
  • Fiji is the happiest country in the world (93%) while Iraq is the least happy (31%);
  • Africa (75%) and Asia (63%) are the most confident that 2015 will be better than 2014;
  • Just 12% of Western Europeans believe that 2015 will be a year of economic prosperity;
  • Three out of five people globally would go to war for their country, with MENA (77%) in stark contrast to Western Europe (25%).

The top five countries are:

Fiji - 93 per cent of people say they are happy or very happy
Colombia - 90 per cent
Nigeria - 89 per cent
Saudi Arabia - 87 per cent
Philippines - 86 per cent

The bottom five are:

Greece - 25 per cent
Iraq - 31 per cent
Bulgaria - 32 per cent
Hong Kong - 39 per cent
Italy/Romania/Serbia - 41 per cent

Zurich, Switzerland - 30th December 2014-
Jean-Marc Leger, President of WIN/Gallup International Association, said: “Whilst the outlook for the world’s economy remains unpredictable our happiness refuses to wane and remains high across the globe.  This year’s survey also highlights that people across the world are increasingly optimistic and believe that 2015 is set to be a good year"


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