January 7, 2015

Niger Delta militant group endorses APC Presidential candidate, Buhari

Niger Delta militant group, Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has endorsed the Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Muhammadu BuhariThe group expressed its unwavering support for Buhari in a statement released on Tuesday, January 6, by its spokesperson, Jomo Gbomo.

MEND added that it was throwing its weight behind the former Head of State due to the need to deliver Nigeria, and especially the Niger Delta region, from the debilitating effects of corruption. 
The statement reads:
“The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), upon careful consideration of the state of the nation, endorses and fully supports the presidential candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC), Mohammadu Buhari.”
“Our decision to throw our full support on Gen. Mohammadu Buhari stems from the pathetic state in which the country has been put by the government of Goodluck Jonathan and our strong believe in Buhari as the man and change the country needs. President Goodluck Jonathan does not deserve a second more in the Presidency as soon as his tenure expires as he has continuously and blatantly disregarded the very people who voted him into office,” it added.
“A President that told Nigerian to their faces that he does not ‘give a damn’ when asked to declare his assets. A requirement that is constitutional on assuming the office of the President. President Jonathan, since assuming his office, has setup countless committees, whose reports have never been implemented. From the Nuhu Ribadu report to the KPMG and fuel subsidy reports, just to mention a few.”
“How can Nigerians expect a highly corrupt person like Goodluck Jonathan to fight corruption when he believes that stealing is not corruption, as he shamelessly told the Nation? He has proven beyond all reasonable doubt, his inability to tackle corruption or prosecute a single government official in his six years in office,” the statement continues.
“MEND finds it laughable the recent statement by Goodluck Jonathan on his government’s plan to fight corruption. This statement not only smacks of ignorance of the highest order, but also shows just how stupid he thinks Nigerians are. A president that had six years to tackle the problem but chose to shield corrupt government officials, joined in the looting of our resources and now has the temerity to say his government has a plan to fight corruption. This is a big slap in the face of every single Nigerian!”
“We re-state our disregard and lack of confidence in President Goodluck Jonathan. Rather than address the perennial issues in the country responsible for his administrations failures, he is concentrating government funds in a campaign of misinformation intended to hoodwink Nigerians who, unfortunately for him, are now wiser and smarter than he is. Goodluck Jonathan’s actions, utterances and arrogance prove that he is totally disconnected with the situation facing the ordinary Nigerian and completely out of touch with reality,” the statement adds.



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