January 29, 2015

'I had a lot of one-night stands"- Sam Smith covers Rolling Stone magazine

Sam Smith came on to the music scene in 2014 in a huge way and one of the major things that people could not stop talking about, apart from his awesome music, is the fact that he is gay.
In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine where he said 'I had a lot of one-night stands. I met a few dodgy friends, people I'm definitely not friends with now,' the 22-year-old English singer and six-time-Grammy-Nominated  told the magazine and opened up about his past sex life in a wide-ranging interview.
Read excerpts from his interview here after cut..

Smith is tired of being tagged the "male Adele."Smith calls Adele "my Michael Jackson" – he's been a fan since he was 16 – but says, "We're very different, and I feel like the constant comparisons might piss her off." He adds, "It just annoys me that people can't digest two pop stars singing really personal songs who don't look like normal pop stars." 

While Smith aims to change perceptions of what a typical pop star needs to look like, he has his insecure moments."I just want to lose weight for the Grammys, if I'm honest," says Smith, who is currently on a cayenne-pepper juice regimen ahead of the biggest night of his career. "I'm just very body-conscious. Sometimes I'm really proud that I don't look like other pop stars. But there's also moments where I'm like, 'Ugh, I wish I had abs like Bieber.'"

He wouldn't mind losing a Grammy — to BeyoncĂ©.Smith is a longtime BeyoncĂ© superfan; he's been known to sing "Drunk in Love" in the shower and knows all the moves from the video. He's facing off against Bey in the Album of the Year category, and Smith insists he'd rather see his hero win. "She deserves it way more than I do," he says. "I'd be embarrassed if I got it over her. If I got it, I'd give it to her."

His first experience with heartbreak still makes him cry.As a young teen, Smith wrote a "really intense" love letter to a popular, artistic kid two years older than him. The student turned out to be straight, but he wrote a long, thoughtful letter back, saying he only saw Smith as a friend. "It makes me emotional, actually," Smith says, his eyes clouding up. "He looked out for me for the rest of school. He just made sure that if anyone took the piss out of me, he would stick up for me. He could have made it hell for me, you know?" 

Read up more The Liberation of Sam Smith: Inside Rolling Stone's New Issue



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