January 14, 2015

Google Translate App instantly translates written text using Word Lens

Google translate app word len
Google's latest update is its Translate App launch January 14, 2015, and the new version includes automatic language detection in conversation mode, which means a conversation between two people who don't speak the same language is actually possible.
The Google Translate app has Word Lens which instantaneously translates written text. Previous versions of the app required the user to take a picture of text and mark which words they wanted translated but Word Lens means you only need to hold the phone up so the text is visible onscreen, and the app will translate the words before your eyes. Even better, Word Lens will work without an Internet connection.
The visual translations work in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. For other languages, you'll still need to take a pic first. The new features are coming to both the iOS and Android versions of Google Translate.
With Google Translate and Microsoft's real-time Skype translator, the barrier of language is rapidly disappearing thanks to technology. It may not solve all the world's problems, but at least travel and tourism will get a little easier for many.
So I can travel to China. Lol!

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