January 2, 2015

Former NY Governor Mario Cuomo 82 , Dies - fews hours after his son was inauguratedn Governor of New York

Former New York governor Mario Cuomo has died aged 82 after battling with heart condition. Cuomo, who served as the state's top executive for three terms, was recently hospitalized but released on December 11 and later died Thursday. 

Cuomo passed away few hours after his oldest son, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, was formally sworn-in to a second term in New York.

'He couldn't be here physically today but my father is in this room,' Andrew Cuomo said in his inaugural address on Thursday. 'He's in the heart and mind of every person who is here. His inspiration and his legacy and his spirit is what has brought this day to this point.' 

 He's pictured at top celebrating his son's November victory over Republican Rob Astorino in November 2014 (pictured right and himself left). 

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