January 7, 2015

Chris Rock Comment that got some Black Women Outraged

Actor and comedian Chris Rock, who's reportedly made a statement that was regarded as insult on his own mother and black women everywhere in a shameless bid for an Oscar nomination His comment made some.African American women upset Meanwhile Rock who recently filed divorce with his longtime wife  and has a net worth of $70million..

While speaking at the Variety Creative Impact Awards, Chris Rock began campaigning for an Oscar for his latest comedy Top Five and supposedly made his mother and Black women the butt of his joke
"Comedies never get nominated. So I'm going to blatantly appeal to the voters. February 22 is my mother's birthday. 70th birthday. If I'm nominated, I will take her to the Oscars. If not, I will take her to Fatburger. We don't need another Black woman at Fatburger. So please vote for me." Chris said to nfluential Academy Award voters"
Any offense

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