January 19, 2015

AGN President responds to Accusations that they Abandoned Muna Obiekwe

Nollywood actress and AGN president, Ibinabo Fiberesima, took to her official Facebook page to share a very touching tribute to the late actor Muna Obiekwe when some fans attacked and accused her of abandoning her members;
"Did you know he was sick? Why couldn't the Guild come to his aid? So sad! Another talent gone"
"Exactly how come he could not afford treatment... President you should get your members to get insurance o....it is sad the way talents are going....such a sad loss. Was hoping it was not true. RIP....will miss you..." another commented.

"Where were all of you AGN headed by you Ibinabo, he was ignored and left to die in his pains... Sad"
Ibinabo replied stating that they never abandon they members but always take action when informed;
"We never ignore our members. If we are informed of a situation we take action. Pls like I said lets Pray not Curse. We have gone out of our way to help non Guild members talk more of our own.
 We never neglect anyone. We have an active insurance plan . We have begged our members and still begging them to re-validate their membership and join the health plan. Their is only so much anyone can do. Muna was revalidated and on d health plan. Please lets beware of what we say, if we don't have the facts pls." - She replied.

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