December 31, 2014

Skin implant replaces the Pill: New Contraceptive that is Remote Controlled and can be Turned Off by when you want to Conceive

This is the latest innovation in Women's health. No more worries of pill? As Scientists have invented an electronic chip that when slipped under the skin releases daily doses of contraceptive, freeing a woman from the stress to remember to take the pill to prevent pregnancy.

This skin implant chip which comes with a remote control that allows the woman to simply turn it off l canast for up to 16 years roughly half a woman’s reproductive life.Unlike the  already existing contraceptive implants on the market that only last for up to five year
'US manufacturer MicroCHIPS  hope to have in on sale by 2018. It is made up of chip, a battery and electronics for drug release and for wireless communication to the remote control.
'The chip contains a series of tiny wells, each packed with a daily dose of levonorgestrel, a hormone widely used in existing contraceptives. Each well is covered with an ultra-thin titanium and platinum seal that prevents the drug from being released until needed. At a pre-programmed release time, a small electrical current melts the metal cap on a single well, releasing the contraceptive into the bloodstream.'
The co-inventor is Robert Langer, one of the world’s top scientists. Professor Charles Kingsland, of the Hewitt Fertility Centre at Liverpool Women’s Hospital, described the technology as ‘interesting but a bit Big Brother.'
He said: 'Of course there are contraceptive implants widely available at present that are easy to insert and very effective at drug delivery.
'This new device however has the ability to be switched on and off remotely. One concern to me would therefore be who does the switching on and off.'



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