December 18, 2014

Dead Woman last wish is that her Dog be Killed, Cremated and Buried with her

Why should the healthy dog be killed because the owner wish so? I consider this unacceptable in killing your pet and buried with you. Don't pet deserve to live.

Just as I thought, Animal advocates also find this unacceptable and are fighting save the life of a German shepherd after his owner demanded in her will that he be Killed and buried with her after her death November 25 
Connie Lay, of Aurora, Indiana, decreed before her death that her beloved dog Bela should be put down, cremated and his ashes mixed with hers. Her attorney says that Bela is Lay's property and that she is free to do with him what she wishes. 
'The dog was owned by my client and now it’s part of her estate,' Doug Denmure told WCPO-TV.  Mr Denmure also old WCPO that the dog is aggressive and that Ms Lay kept a record of his aggressive behavior before she died.
'And those are her wishes, as far as the future of the dog is concerned. Outsiders don’t have the grounds to rewrite the provisions of my client’s will and impose what they want.'
Under Indiana law, pets and other animals are considered property. Owners must treat them humanely, but otherwise get allowed to decide whether they live or die. 
Several families and volunteers at the PAWS Humane Center, which is keeping Bela until his fate is sealed, have come forward to adopt the dog.



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