November 25, 2014

Violence Erupts as Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson is Not Charged for Killing unarmed Teenager

Police who killed an unarmed teenager three months ago was not convicted or charged of crime or carelessness, it became a white-black controversy.

As a result Ferguson, Missouri erupted with outraged protesters after the announcement that Officer Darren Wilson won't be indicted in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

 Protesters overran a barricade and taunted police. Some chanted "murderer" and others threw rocks and bottles.

Other protest have been seen across the United states such as in New York.

After three months of waiting for the  verdict, Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden, collapsed in grief as it was announced, screaming 'This is wrong!'.  When she heard the decision, she burst into tears and began screaming before being whisked away by supporters.
Michael Browns mother held by supporters
Within minutes of the announcement by St. Louis County's top prosecutor, crowds began pouring into Ferguson streets to protest the decision.

 Several gunshots were also heard, shattered windows and vandalized cars.. Officers released smoke and pepper spray to disperse the gatherings.
Teargas sprayed to disperse crowd
 Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulloch said the jury of nine whites and three blacks met on 25 separate days and heard more than 70 hours of testimony from about 60 witnesses, including three medical examiners and other experts on blood, toxicology and firearms.

He stressed that jurors were "the only people who heard every witness ... and every piece of evidence." He said many witnesses presented conflicting statements that were inconsistent with the physical evidence.

 'These grand jurors poured their hearts and soul into this process,' he said.   As McCulloch was reading his statement, Michael Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden, was sitting atop a vehicle listening to a broadcast of the announcement. .

Credit: AP/ BBC/ Mailonline

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