November 2, 2014

Suicide Bomber Kills Dozens at Pakistan Border parade

Crowds of people after the Wagah bombing (2 November)

At least 45 people were killed and 55 more injured in a Lahore, Pakistan, suicide bomb blast near the country's border with India, police and hospital officials said Sunday.

According to CNN, the suicide bomber detonated his vest after a daily parade at the Wagah border crossing,

The parade has taken place for past 55 years at the Wagah border crossing between Lahore and Amritsar, India, Pakistan's Rangers and India's Border Security Force take part in a lowering-of-the-flags ceremony before sunset.

 Inspector General Mushtaq Ahmad Sukhera of the Punjab police said. It appeared the bomber entered the parade area as people were leaving and set off an explosive vest near a checkpoint, he said.

Spokesmen for two groups linked to the Pakistani Taliban -- Jundallah and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar -- separately claimed responsibility for the bombing, and  Ehsanullah Ehsan, calling the Jundallah claim "baseless." Ehsan's statement promised more attacks.

"We will soon release the video of this attack," the spokesman  said. "This attack is the revenge of the killing of those innocent people who have been killed by Pakistan Army, particularly of those who have been killed in North Waziristan."

It was reported that more than 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of explosives were used in the blast, which was conducted by a male from 18 and 20 years old, the inspector general said.

Credit: CNN|BBC news

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