November 22, 2014

Man is Stabbed Nine times for asking a man to stop catcalling his Girlfriend

Ben Schwartz, 31, of San Francisco was brutally stabbed nine times after asking a unknown man to stop harassing his girlfriend as they walked home from a party with his girlfriend Miyoko Moody and another friend.
Fortunate the stabs missed his spinal cord as he is now recovering from the attack and is in stable condition. 

Schwartz's friend, Daniela Saavedra, said that Schwartz asked a man who had been catcalling his girlfriend to stop after he made passes at her at least two times, reports The San Francisco Chronicle.
'He definitely sticks up for women, for anyone really,' Saavedra said.
'If you’re his friend, you’re his friend for life, and I’ve watched him just support many friends through many hard times. He’s just so kind-hearted, and you can see that in everything that he does.'

Police are still on the lookout for the man who ruthlessly stabbed a Good Samaritan.

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