November 11, 2014

Ebola Doctor Finally Discharged from New York hospital... but warned not have Sex for Three months

Finally, New York Doctor, Crag Spencer who contacted Ebola has been discharged today after been declared virus-free at Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan.
As he steps out the hospital are crowds of medical staffs and press who cheered him and also with him is the New York City Major Bill de Blaisso who hugged Spencer and wife Chirland McCray.

Dr. Spencer spoke at a press conference to thank the medical staff who cared for him along with his family, friends.

Remembering those who still suffer with virus, he said "While my case has garnered international attention, it is important to remember my infection represents but a fraction of the more then 13,000 reported case to date in West Africa - the center of outbreaks, where families are being torn apart and communities destroyed"

Read more at Daily Mail

Photo Credit: Reuters/Daily mail

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