November 5, 2014

Beyoncé Top earning among Women in Music Industry

According to Forbes Beyoncé, 33 is named the highest woman in music industry in 2014, with estimated earning of $115 doubled than what she earned last year. Followed by Taylor Swift, 24 with $64 million who also earned more than her last year income.
Next, Pop Singer Pink, 35, who rosed from number 8 in 2013 to 3rd with $52million, While Barbados-born Rihanna, 26, with $48 million and Katy Perry, 30, who earned an estimated $40 million marched the top five.
Meanwhile, Madonna, 56, ranked No,1 last year dropped to top 10 I 2014 while Lady Gaga, 28, slumped from no.2 in 2013 to ninth place this year with estimated earning of $33 million. Lady Gaga once had record of $0 million in 2011 but has drastically reduced since then. 

Credit: Forbes

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