November 14, 2014

10 Things Husbands Want to Hear from their Wives

 Are you married or thinking or getting married? Here is a good article from Mark Twain  that will be beneficial to take note in order to have a sweet home. Although you may disagree to some opinion but I think they all make good sense considering tremendous research he has conducted on marriage and relationship related issues.

1. “I love being your wife.”
As simple as it sounds, husbands want to know that their wives are content in their marriage, and truly enjoy just being with them.  When is the last time you thanked your husband for marrying you?  Don’t just assume he knows.  Tell him!
2. “You’re an outstanding father.”
Deep in the heart of every man is the desire to be seen as a hero—especially to his children.  Specifically tell your husband why he is your kids’ hero.  And, tonight at dinner, tell your children why he is so special.
3. “I’m really attracted to you.  You are the man!”
It’s a myth that women are always more looks-conscious than men.  As guys’ hairlines begin to recede and stomachs start protruding, they can become quite sensitive about their appearance.  Never joke about how your husband looks.  Tell him he’s “hot” and how attracted you are to him.
4. “I really respect the decision you made.”
When a man makes a decision, especially a tough one, he doesn’t want his wife being critical of it or questioning him about it.  He wants to know that his wife is behind him and admires his ability to make good decisions.
5. “I know how important it is to live within our means.  I’m with you on this.”
Your husband is concerned about the future of your family.  So that means he is concerned about taking care of his family financially.  Having a wife he can rely on to spend and save wisely is a tremendous comfort to him.
6. “I’m so grateful for your spiritual leadership.”
All of us are hardwired for a relationship with God, and many men want to be seen as the spiritual caretakers of their families.  Encourage your husband in his faith and for taking his role as a spiritual leader seriously.
7. “You are so wise.”
Many men are born problem solvers and relish the process of thinking through something and arriving at a solution.  This, incidentally, is why your husband is always trying to “fix” your problems when all you want him to do is listen.  Recognizing your husband’s mental prowess and complimenting him on his intelligence will pay massive dividends to you.  Emphasize to him that you trust his wise judgment.
8. “I appreciate how hard you work to provide for our family.”
There are many things in life that your husband cannot control, but one he can control is effort.  It brings him great pleasure to work hard and see the results.  To directly control, and be the man responsible for creating something from nothing thrills him.  Encourage his great work ethic.
9. “Thank you very much for helping me with that.”
When a man serves his wife, he wants her to recognize it.  A simple “thank you” is all he needs.
10. I’m impressed with how you handled that situation.”
Sometimes a wife will point out when her husband does not handle something well.  So when he handles a particularly difficult situation well, let him know.

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